We Remember Papa Idahosa


I had just heard his resounding voice a few days ago. He had called to wish me a happy 24th birthday and promised to make it to my graduation from law school. ⁣⁣
Four days later, he was telling his wife that all that God had given him to do, he had accomplished.⁣⁣
“Ask God for more,” she flippantly replied.⁣⁣
Perhaps he did. Perhaps he didn’t. ⁣⁣
That night, I got a call from my brother, @febidahosa, that he was on his way to my Uni.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣
“This late? Why?”⁣⁣
“No, nothing.”⁣⁣
“But it’s so late.”⁣⁣
“I know.” He tried to keep me calm as I pommelled him with questions. ⁣⁣
Fear enveloped me and I immediately called our mother whose voice was drowning in suffocating agony. ⁣⁣
“He’s gone,” she screamed! “They say Daddy is gone.” ⁣⁣

My father, Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa.

The day was March 12th. It was 1998…⁣⁣and that’s how I heard the news. We were blindsided, confused, shaken to our core.⁣
Gone? How? ⁣⁣
I had imagined that he would’ve been the one to announce Christ’s second coming. Hadn’t you? ⁣⁣Because one didn’t just meet #BensonIdahosa. You encountered him.
Perhaps he knew. Perhaps he didn’t. ⁣⁣
But today, as yet another year rolls by and we look back on the decades since #BensonIdahosa died empty, we remember his legacy as someone who put it all on the line and gave his all. He was the original trailblazer, a maverick, my OG Pathfinder. Almost every time I mention my name, regardless of where I am, people ask, “Are you…?”⁣ ⁣
And so, the best way I know to remember him, to honour him, today and every day, is to live like he lived- with reckless abandon- giving it all for the last, the least and the lost. ⁣⁣
#WeRememberPapa #IdahosaLegacy #March12 #MissionsWeek#Fearless #AboveOnly#WeSurvived



R. Evon Rantiade Benson-Idahosa, Esq.

Lead table turner and expert troublemaker at Pathfinders Justice Initiative (www.pathfindersji.org); curating more space for women at the table. @findyrpath