The Art of Loving Well

I’ve had many people in my life tell me that they “don’t know what to give someone who has everything.” ⁣⁣
As a result, they choose to give nothing. ⁣⁣
First of all, no one has everything. ⁣⁣
Secondly, and more importantly, well thought out gestures of love mean the world to people who supposedly “have everything.” ⁣⁣
Case in point. ⁣⁣
My staff at @pathfindersji know I love coffee. They also know I love to cook with certain seasonings and love Ankara in all its forms…and that’s because they’ve paid attention and have been intentional in studying me well. ⁣⁣

⁣⁣Over the last few months, they’ve lovingly and randomly given me some of these things behind the scenes, without demanding the attention that many who give “grand” gifts demand. ⁣⁣
My point? ⁣⁣
Loving well isn’t necessarily about grand gestures. It’s taking the time to study the people you say you love and honouring them in a way that makes 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 feel loved, treasured and appreciated. ⁣⁣
Those seemingly “small” gestures reflect what it means to truly love intentionally and what it means to love well. It is genuine soul care. #LoveWell ⁣⁣
⁣⁣#SoulCare #BeIntentional #Grateful ⁣⁣



R. Evon Rantiade Benson-Idahosa, Esq.

Lead table turner and expert troublemaker at Pathfinders Justice Initiative (; curating more space for women at the table. @findyrpath